Holstein Friesian breed

The Holstein breed was cultivated in the Netherlands where it was descending from the North German cattle breed. Currently, Holstein is the most common breed of cattle in the dairy industry due to the improvements by the means of modern reproductive technologies which lead to the attractive bread qualities. 

The excellent traits of the Holstein breed are responsible for the tremendous abundance of this breed in the dairy industry. The Holstein breed is the most productive and cost-effective bread if kept in optimal conditions. The breed is capable to adapt well to any weather, as well as controllable in a bigger-sized herd. The Holstein breed has the best milk productivity yields across all livestock breeds, yet the Holstein breed is sensitive to breeding conditions and the hygiene of the milking process. The Holstein breed has black and white fur, yet it might be red and white, which is however a recessive feature.

The most abundant populations of this breed are in Europe and North America. In Europe, we have a strong network of breeders in Germany, Czech and Hungary. The European breeders have the highest quality standards and aim at the well-being of the animal to ensure optimal productivity and the best yields.

Holstein is the most productive and cost-effective bread if kept in optimal conditions.

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