Montbéliard breed

This old breed is originating from Switzerland yet was finally bred in France in the Franche-Comté region. The aim of the cattle breeders was to establish a modest and strong cow with increased productivity and high milk quality. The breed is a hybrid between Swiss Simmental, local Alsan and the Charolais breed.

The crossed characteristics of the predeceasing breeds made it possible to combine solid meat production and superior quality of high fat milk in the Montbéliard breed. The genetic disposition allowed the breed to acquire high immunity to various diseases, while being abundant in any part of the world throughout all climatic zones. 

The Montbéliard breed has a white lower part of the body whereas the upper part is redish-brown. The head is massive and white, which turns into a large neck and succeeds into a deep chest.

The genetic disposition allowed the breed to acquire high immunity to various diseases.

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